So as my roommates and I were contemplating what we were going to do with our weekend, around 10 o'clock Saturday morning, we decided, why not go to St. George?! We had some guy friends that were already down there for our friend Tyler Hinton's mission farewell anyways. Well that was one of the main reasons we wanted to go...because they told us it was a "guy's trip" and girls weren't invited because they were doing "guy's stuff" like hiking. Psh, we can hike! After getting all worked up about those boys thinking we were incapable of doing "guy's stuff," we decided we were going to go to St. George and we were going to hike! Alex had to go to work, but Melissa and I went to Walmart to buy some roadtrip supplies, mostly just junk food. But we saw the cutest puppies there! I want one so bad!!

We also met up with Emilee at Walmart which was fun to see her, but unfortunately we had to get going so we could make it to St. George to fit in some hiking :) So we picked up Alex from work, packed up, and headed out! We were soo excited! We decided that this was our first legit roadtrip which was also completely spontaneous!
Bags packed, game faces on, we were ready to ROAD TRIP!!
Dr. Pepper....check.
Junk food....check.
Three dumb blonde girls dancing in the car with the music turned up driving downtown looking like idiots with the gas cap off driving past Sammy's....triple check. hahahaha.
So after about 3 hours of driving...we pulled off exit 23 towards the town of Leeds, headed toward Red Cliffs to do our "guy stuff." We were so excited that we finally made it! And we were even more excited to go exploring :)
We finally made it!
Flash Floods...? does this qualify as a flash flood?

Hiking :)
Me and Melissa


So gorgeous! These are the pools we hiked up to and swam in and peed in. Guy's stuff :)
On our way back, I caught a little frog! So cute :)
After we got to the car after hiking back barefoot and it was finally getting dark.
So we drove on to St. George to Melissa's grandparents to eat our dinner, lunchables on the front lawn. haha, we were roughin it :) We then proceeded to get dressed/get ready outside to go party. It was a Saturday night and we needed something fun to do...
So I called up Lee and he hooked us up with some guys that knew a guy that had a huge multi-million dollar home in Entrada with an incredibly nice hot tub and pool. We deemed that night a success. Thanks Lee!
Yeah, the pic doesn't do it justice, but this is like half of the huge pool this guy had! We don't know how we got this lucky.
Coming home at 4 a.m. and getting ready for bed so that we could wake up 3 hours later...
So the next morning, we woke up at 7:30 so that we could get ready and drive to Hurricane to go to Tyler's farewell. Mind you, none of those boys knew we were here or were coming. And when the three of us walked through those doors into the chapel, the look on their faces was priceless! Haha. Definitely a satisfying feeling :) As hard as we tried (well Melissa and Alex tried), we ended up sitting in the front row with them. Tyler did great on his talk and I was glad that we were able to come to his farewell! So usually right after Sacrament meeting is the little luncheon for the farewell, right? Well, this was not the case, so we had to find something to do for the next two hours til lunch haha. We went on a little adventure, took a nap on the grass, and ate oreos.
We got to be very well acquainted with the front lawn of the Hurricane Church Building haha.

It was soo windy up there!
Melissa's future car...perfect for her size.
Tyler's retarded was not me!
the gang :)
Good luck Elder Hinton! You will be an amazing missionary :)
So after saying goodbye to everyone, we decided that we would go back to Red Cliffs, the place we had hiked the day before. This was obviously a bad idea because when trying to find the exit, we were convinced that it just disappeared. We then ended up on some road that felt like it never ended. We were all probably just delusional because we got 3 hours of sleep the night before and it was Mother's day and none of us could get ahold of our moms. We were all bawling in the car and just praying to know what to do because we were so scared. It was getting windy and stormy so we called Tyler and he told us to just come back and calm down. It definitely helped. I'm grateful that he was able to calm us down and we were able to get back on the road. I slept like the whole way home, which was great because when I woke up, we were only 58 miles from Provo!

Soo tired, slept most of the way home.
Driving home in the storm.
When we finally got home, we were all so exhausted and so we just left all the stuff in the car and went in and took showers and went to bed. It was such a fun trip, but it definitely left us super tired. Moral of the story, road trips+hiking+multi-million dollar mansions+hot tubs+suprises+missionaries+best friends=Success!!
You are so funny and your adventures are so fun to read about. The pools at the hike near St.George are so beautiful! Thanks for sharing.