So a few weeks ago, my friend Jon asked if I wanted to go on a date to this Ropes Course place that his mom had given him a gift certificate or something to, as a Christmas present. He drove down from Ogden yesterday (he is living at home until he leaves on his mish) and picked me up around 6. We drove to the outskirts of what is supposedly still Provo, but the course was all the way out by the lake!

Us in front of the ropes course :) my head looks funny...
When we got there, we of course had to sign a little waiver form saying that we understand that we are at risk of injury or death and all that stuff. Then we were put into these super comfortable harnesses...that was sarcastic, but I guess safety is pretty important. We were with these two other people, it was another couple on a date so that was fun. They were super chill. The first activity that we did was a zip line. I had never really done like a legit zip line before so I was excited. It was a lot of fun, but that harness was rubbin me in the wrong way...ouch! Then we did the Rock Climbing wall, which I have never been very good at and I was scared I wasn't gonna get very far...but I made it all the way to the top! I felt very accomplished! There were all these motivational quotes posted around the course that Jon kept reading off, it was funny. But it obviously helped :) We did one more thing, which was my favorite! I was the first one to go, it was called the Giant Swing. You sit in this "Giant Swing" and you hold on to this little rope and the rest of the group hoists you up and then when you let go of your rope, you swing backwards. Ahh it was so exhilarating! It totally feels like a free fall as you are falling backwards. It was definitely the scariest one, but the most fun one as well. When Jon did it, he was doing back flips, which I definitely would be too scared to do. But then our time was up, so we said our goodbyes and headed back to the car...
Little did we know that his car was pretty much completely dead. It didn't do anything when he tried to turn it on.

We flagged someone down and had them help us jump it, but that didn't do anything either. It was really weird. I'm no "car guy" so I couldn't tell ya what I thought was wrong with it, I just figured it was broken. haha. So we decided to just walk down the road towards the river because it wasn't doing us any good to just chill at his car. He called a bunch of people, I recall Jonny, Gumby, and Randy.

Making the calls...
yeah we were pretty much in the middle of nowhere.
All I know is that Randy is the tow guy. So finally, I guess he figured out that the tow guy could come in the morning and tow his car back to Ogden. But we still needed a ride back to Provo, so I called my dear brother Kurt. And he and Sarah were so kind to come pick us up and take us back to my apartment :) From there, Jon insisted that we still go get dessert because he told me we would. So we walked to the creamery and got ice cream :) I wasn't complaining. Then we just walked around Heritage for awhile, we saw our buddy Bryant and talked to him, Jon got his foot stuck in a hole in the parking lot because he wanted to see how far down it went...yeah it was funny. Then Jon's cousin, Nate, picked us up and dropped me off at home and he was going to drive Jon to Salt Lake so he could catch the train back to Ogden. It was quite the adventure, but it was still a lot of fun!
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