I decided that a better idea would just be to post a bunch of pictures because people are lazy and looking at pictures is so much easier than reading words. But I figured I would try to make a long story short...if any of you are interested.
I met Tyler, didn't care too much for him at first, then we joked about how we were going to get married. Then for some reason I really started to like him, and when I finally got up the guts to, through a mutual friend, tell him, he had gotten a girlfriend. I was soo devastated because I had started to like him a lot! I didn't talk to him for about a month. And then eventually we started being friends again, when I stopped being so bitter. So as me and him got closer as friends, him and his girlfriend, Ali, were growing further apart as a couple. This resulted in them breaking up and us getting together. (He says it had nothing to do with me...I'm still not sure if I believe that or not ;) Being with Tyler, I was soo incredibly happy! It was the best relationship I've ever had. Almost too good to be true! He's the sweetest boy I've ever met and the only person I've ever truly been in love with. But of course, he was a pre-mi, which meant he was leaving, to Panama City, Panama on June 8th. After falling further and further in love with this kid, I got really scared when I thought about him leaving. So I did what I thought was best, convinced myself that I didn't really like him...or at least I pretended that I did. So we broke up, I broke his heart. But what he didn't know was that my broken heart lay right there among the pieces of his. However, week after week, I didn't know who I was kidding. We kissed at least once every week after we broke up...then there was a period of time where he hated my guts. That really broke my heart, so I hated him for it, but he wasn't too fond of me either at that point. But...after we moved into our new apartment after Freshman year was over, Tyler started hanging out with us more because most of our friends were gone. This is when my feelings could not stay hidden any more. One night when we were talking/more or less fighting outside.I told him I had never stopped loving him...He's kind of a big softie and told me the same thing. It was one of those feel good kind of moments. And you can probably imagine where it went from there. We basically had a secret relationship (except for from my roommates) for the last month that he was in Provo, even though we "liked" other people. Umm...yeah, no, that was dumb haha. I couldn't stop myself this time, the wheels were rolling and the wagon was moving way too fast for me to jump off. I couldn't deny that I was head over heels in love with Tyler, and vice versa. Unfortunately, it made the goodbye that much harder. We went to Tremonton (where he is from) this weekend for his farewell and the last time I was going to see him for two years! It was especially hard because we didn't get any time really alone to spend time or really say goodbye to each other, even though we had kind of done that the weekend before when he moved back home. It was soo much harder than I ever imagined and it tore me apart. But I know he is doing the right thing by going on a mission and he will truly be an incredible missionary! I'm not saying I'll wait. But if I'm around and not married in two years, I definitely want to see how the story ends :)
The moral of this story is: you never know who you are going to fall in love with, but when it happens, you'll know. Life comes at you fast, expect the unexpected and I'm sure everything will turn out alright in the end :)
Sorry this was still super long...but that's the short version haha.
Some of our adventures together.... :)

Saying Goodbye :( Our last night in Provo together....

cutting his hair the fort we built

Chasing the ducks the cave... B-ball games

Family Temple Day Conference

building a hot air balloon

chillin in the apt. Mr. Rogers Night The Bean Museum