Sunday, May 29, 2011

The Story of Us...well the shorter version

So after writing for way too long and way too detailed about the story of Sara and Tyler, I decided it was a better story just for my own personal record. Although it is quite the story...maybe I'll write a book someday and everyone can read it!
I decided that a better idea would just be to post a bunch of pictures because people are lazy and looking at pictures is so much easier than reading words. But I figured I would try to make a long story short...if any of you are interested.
I met Tyler, didn't care too much for him at first, then we joked about how we were going to get married. Then for some reason I really started to like him, and when I finally got up the guts to, through a mutual friend, tell him, he had gotten a girlfriend. I was soo devastated because I had started to like him a lot! I didn't talk to him for about a month. And then eventually we started being friends again, when I stopped being so bitter. So as me and him got closer as friends, him and his girlfriend, Ali, were growing further apart as a couple. This resulted in them breaking up and us getting together. (He says it had nothing to do with me...I'm still not sure if I believe that or not ;) Being with Tyler, I was soo incredibly happy! It was the best relationship I've ever had. Almost too good to be true! He's the sweetest boy I've ever met and the only person I've ever truly been in love with. But of course, he was a pre-mi, which meant he was leaving, to Panama City, Panama on June 8th. After falling further and further in love with this kid, I got really scared when I thought about him leaving. So I did what I thought was best, convinced myself that I didn't really like him...or at least I pretended that I did. So we broke up, I broke his heart. But what he didn't know was that my broken heart lay right there among the pieces of his. However, week after week, I didn't know who I was kidding. We kissed at least once every week after we broke up...then there was a period of time where he hated my guts. That really broke my heart, so I hated him for it, but he wasn't too fond of me either at that point. But...after we moved into our new apartment after Freshman year was over, Tyler started hanging out with us more because most of our friends were gone. This is when my feelings could not stay hidden any more. One night when we were talking/more or less fighting outside.I told him I had never stopped loving him...He's kind of a big softie and told me the same thing. It was one of those feel good kind of moments. And you can probably imagine where it went from there. We basically had a secret relationship (except for from my roommates) for the last month that he was in Provo, even though we "liked" other people. Umm...yeah, no, that was dumb haha. I couldn't stop myself this time, the wheels were rolling and the wagon was moving way too fast for me to jump off. I couldn't deny that I was head over heels in love with Tyler, and vice versa. Unfortunately, it made the goodbye that much harder. We went to Tremonton (where he is from) this weekend for his farewell and the last time I was going to see him for two years! It was especially hard because we didn't get any time really alone to spend time or really say goodbye to each other, even though we had kind of done that the weekend before when he moved back home. It was soo much harder than I ever imagined and it tore me apart. But I know he is doing the right thing by going on a mission and he will truly be an incredible missionary! I'm not saying I'll wait. But if I'm around and not married in two years, I definitely want to see how the story ends :)
The moral of this story is: you never know who you are going to fall in love with, but when it happens, you'll know. Life comes at you fast, expect the unexpected and I'm sure everything will turn out alright in the end :)

Sorry this was still super long...but that's the short version haha.

Some of our adventures together.... :)

Saying Goodbye :( Our last night in Provo together....

cutting his hair the fort we built
roasting mallows

kissing pic :) haha sorry

Invitational the bracelet he made me picnic :)
Chasing the ducks the cave... B-ball games

Family Temple Day Conference
building a hot air balloon
chillin in the apt. Mr. Rogers Night The Bean Museum

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Giving Blood for the 1st time...

So I had always wanted to give blood at blood drives at school and everything, but was always too scared. The other day, my friend Bryant and I had gone to get Jamba Juice and saw that there was a blood drive going on. He said he was going to give blood, so I figured "why not?" We went and signed up and got a little sticker and had to read a packet about giving blood. Then I got put in a booth where they asked more questions and took my blood pressure and pricked my finger to make sure my blood was all good. It was :) So after answering more questions, I finally got put into the chair to start giving blood. I was super nervous and my heart was beating really fast. I wasn't sure what was going to happen, but it was making me nervous. They marked the vain (in my left arm) that was big enough for the needle to go in and then put iodine on it and all that other prep stuff...then they stabbed me with the needle!! Ok, it didn't hurt that bad haha. So I just sat there staring at the ceiling while a whole pint of blood was sucked out of me.
Suprisingly I felt fine. I finished in 4:43, which is apparently really fast, probably because I was nervous. After laying there for awhile and drinking lots of water, they bandaged me up and I was released. I felt fine after standing up, but a few minutes later my body broke out in a sweat and everything got real blurry and I couldn't hear anything. I had to sit down...I found the nearest chair and sat down. It was the weirdest feeling ever! Luckily I could sit down before I passed out. Bryant and I sat in the "recovery area" and ate snacks and drank water for awhile before going to his house.
I just kept having these episodes of almost passing out and I did not like it...Bryant walked me home because he was scared I was going to pass out on the way. When I got back, I took a nap for like 5 hours! When I woke up, I drank lots of water and tried to eat some pasta. Except I almost threw up and had another near fainting experience. It was scary. I laid in my bed because I couldn't do anything else without feeling sick. I was glad I gave blood for the first time, but I don't think I'll be doing it for awhile just because of the effects I felt afterwards. Not my favorite experience :(

Sunday, May 22, 2011

An Eventful Saturday

So surprisingly I have been waking up at a decent hour for the past few Saturdays which is a big deal for me because I love to sleep in. But the other weekend, I woke up around 9ish and went with my friend Bryant to this Ducky Derby that BYU was putting on. The line was forever long, so me and Bryant got some time to just chill and talk. When we finally got to the registration table, we each bought a duck to race and a J-dawg and went and ate on the lawn before our heat. When it was time to race our ducks, mine was just a slow little guy and didn't do too well, but it was still fun :)

waiting in line...forever!

The dumb duck got stuck :(

Our duckies :)

Afterwards we just sat by the duck pond and chilled until Melissa, who was working the event, was done. Then we went to go volunteer at the Astrofest, which we did for a project for Astronomy. It was actually pretty fun, when we were working with the kids to build rockets and such.

We sat at an info desk for like 2 hours, that part wasn't very exciting.

But it seemed like it was probably way fun for all the kids. They had planetarium shows, rocket launching, a moon bounce, a rock climbing wall, and tons of other fun stuff! After we came home from the Astrofest, we decided to get all dolled up...kinda. And go find something fun to do.
But of course, we drove around lifeless Provo and found nothing exciting. We went to Dad's (Travis's) house to see if he was home but he wasn't, so we waited outside his house for him/thinking of something to do and these guys walked out of his house and we looked like idiots because we were just chillin in the driveway waiting for Travis haha. But we just ended up having Drake, Levi, Grant, Michael, and Nicole over for a little bit and then we went to bed early which was good I guess. We felt pretty lame though. We have found that we have to make weekends fun because everyone else is in our same situation. But it was all over a pretty successful Saturday!

Friday, May 13, 2011

An Adventurous Date!

So a few weeks ago, my friend Jon asked if I wanted to go on a date to this Ropes Course place that his mom had given him a gift certificate or something to, as a Christmas present. He drove down from Ogden yesterday (he is living at home until he leaves on his mish) and picked me up around 6. We drove to the outskirts of what is supposedly still Provo, but the course was all the way out by the lake!

Us in front of the ropes course :) my head looks funny...
When we got there, we of course had to sign a little waiver form saying that we understand that we are at risk of injury or death and all that stuff. Then we were put into these super comfortable harnesses...that was sarcastic, but I guess safety is pretty important. We were with these two other people, it was another couple on a date so that was fun. They were super chill. The first activity that we did was a zip line. I had never really done like a legit zip line before so I was excited. It was a lot of fun, but that harness was rubbin me in the wrong way...ouch! Then we did the Rock Climbing wall, which I have never been very good at and I was scared I wasn't gonna get very far...but I made it all the way to the top! I felt very accomplished! There were all these motivational quotes posted around the course that Jon kept reading off, it was funny. But it obviously helped :) We did one more thing, which was my favorite! I was the first one to go, it was called the Giant Swing. You sit in this "Giant Swing" and you hold on to this little rope and the rest of the group hoists you up and then when you let go of your rope, you swing backwards. Ahh it was so exhilarating! It totally feels like a free fall as you are falling backwards. It was definitely the scariest one, but the most fun one as well. When Jon did it, he was doing back flips, which I definitely would be too scared to do. But then our time was up, so we said our goodbyes and headed back to the car...
Little did we know that his car was pretty much completely dead. It didn't do anything when he tried to turn it on.

We flagged someone down and had them help us jump it, but that didn't do anything either. It was really weird. I'm no "car guy" so I couldn't tell ya what I thought was wrong with it, I just figured it was broken. haha. So we decided to just walk down the road towards the river because it wasn't doing us any good to just chill at his car. He called a bunch of people, I recall Jonny, Gumby, and Randy.

Making the calls...
yeah we were pretty much in the middle of nowhere.

All I know is that Randy is the tow guy. So finally, I guess he figured out that the tow guy could come in the morning and tow his car back to Ogden. But we still needed a ride back to Provo, so I called my dear brother Kurt. And he and Sarah were so kind to come pick us up and take us back to my apartment :) From there, Jon insisted that we still go get dessert because he told me we would. So we walked to the creamery and got ice cream :) I wasn't complaining. Then we just walked around Heritage for awhile, we saw our buddy Bryant and talked to him, Jon got his foot stuck in a hole in the parking lot because he wanted to see how far down it went...yeah it was funny. Then Jon's cousin, Nate, picked us up and dropped me off at home and he was going to drive Jon to Salt Lake so he could catch the train back to Ogden. It was quite the adventure, but it was still a lot of fun!

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Spontaneity at it's finest...

So as my roommates and I were contemplating what we were going to do with our weekend, around 10 o'clock Saturday morning, we decided, why not go to St. George?! We had some guy friends that were already down there for our friend Tyler Hinton's mission farewell anyways. Well that was one of the main reasons we wanted to go...because they told us it was a "guy's trip" and girls weren't invited because they were doing "guy's stuff" like hiking. Psh, we can hike! After getting all worked up about those boys thinking we were incapable of doing "guy's stuff," we decided we were going to go to St. George and we were going to hike! Alex had to go to work, but Melissa and I went to Walmart to buy some roadtrip supplies, mostly just junk food. But we saw the cutest puppies there! I want one so bad!!

We also met up with Emilee at Walmart which was fun to see her, but unfortunately we had to get going so we could make it to St. George to fit in some hiking :) So we picked up Alex from work, packed up, and headed out! We were soo excited! We decided that this was our first legit roadtrip which was also completely spontaneous!
Bags packed, game faces on, we were ready to ROAD TRIP!!

Dr. Pepper....check.

Junk food....check.

Three dumb blonde girls dancing in the car with the music turned up driving downtown looking like idiots with the gas cap off driving past Sammy's....triple check. hahahaha.
So after about 3 hours of driving...we pulled off exit 23 towards the town of Leeds, headed toward Red Cliffs to do our "guy stuff." We were so excited that we finally made it! And we were even more excited to go exploring :)

We finally made it!
Flash Floods...? does this qualify as a flash flood?
Hiking :)
Me and Melissa

So gorgeous! These are the pools we hiked up to and swam in and peed in. Guy's stuff :)

On our way back, I caught a little frog! So cute :)

After we got to the car after hiking back barefoot and it was finally getting dark.
So we drove on to St. George to Melissa's grandparents to eat our dinner, lunchables on the front lawn. haha, we were roughin it :) We then proceeded to get dressed/get ready outside to go party. It was a Saturday night and we needed something fun to do...
So I called up Lee and he hooked us up with some guys that knew a guy that had a huge multi-million dollar home in Entrada with an incredibly nice hot tub and pool. We deemed that night a success. Thanks Lee!
Yeah, the pic doesn't do it justice, but this is like half of the huge pool this guy had! We don't know how we got this lucky.
Coming home at 4 a.m. and getting ready for bed so that we could wake up 3 hours later...

So the next morning, we woke up at 7:30 so that we could get ready and drive to Hurricane to go to Tyler's farewell. Mind you, none of those boys knew we were here or were coming. And when the three of us walked through those doors into the chapel, the look on their faces was priceless! Haha. Definitely a satisfying feeling :) As hard as we tried (well Melissa and Alex tried), we ended up sitting in the front row with them. Tyler did great on his talk and I was glad that we were able to come to his farewell! So usually right after Sacrament meeting is the little luncheon for the farewell, right? Well, this was not the case, so we had to find something to do for the next two hours til lunch haha. We went on a little adventure, took a nap on the grass, and ate oreos.

We got to be very well acquainted with the front lawn of the Hurricane Church Building haha.
It was soo windy up there!
Melissa's future car...perfect for her size.
Tyler's retarded was not me!
the gang :)
Good luck Elder Hinton! You will be an amazing missionary :)

So after saying goodbye to everyone, we decided that we would go back to Red Cliffs, the place we had hiked the day before. This was obviously a bad idea because when trying to find the exit, we were convinced that it just disappeared. We then ended up on some road that felt like it never ended. We were all probably just delusional because we got 3 hours of sleep the night before and it was Mother's day and none of us could get ahold of our moms. We were all bawling in the car and just praying to know what to do because we were so scared. It was getting windy and stormy so we called Tyler and he told us to just come back and calm down. It definitely helped. I'm grateful that he was able to calm us down and we were able to get back on the road. I slept like the whole way home, which was great because when I woke up, we were only 58 miles from Provo!
Soo tired, slept most of the way home.
Driving home in the storm.

When we finally got home, we were all so exhausted and so we just left all the stuff in the car and went in and took showers and went to bed. It was such a fun trip, but it definitely left us super tired. Moral of the story, road trips+hiking+multi-million dollar mansions+hot tubs+suprises+missionaries+best friends=Success!!